Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises Again
(A tribute to The Dark Knight Trilogy)

They punished him for the faults they know not
They banished him for the acts of innocent valour
They jailed him for the thoughts of freedom
They chastised him for his efforts of peace
Thus he remained silently within the walls of the civilised
For it was the demand of the society he wanted to save.

Time doesn’t wait for the peace to expand
In his absence evil outgrew its bounds
Within the gutters and sewers of the city
Evil crept in with nothing to stop
Its numbers and strength kept on increasing
People lived in peace forgetting what’s beneath 

The strike day came and the city was asleep
Within hours the city became a grave of bricks and carcasses
It took seconds to cut it from the world outside
With children seeing aghast the whole city burnt
No one to save it from the certain death it had brought
No one to listen to the silent cries of the dead and wounded

The evil were torturing the innocents without limit
Men and women burnt alive
Children were ripped apart like skins of fruits
The policemen were shot as stray dogs
And those who objected were hanged and were given to the dogs as food
Everybody ran to wherever they could be safe
Some hid so that the evil couldn’t find them
Soon the city had more dead than alive

Hearing the sounds of despair and hopelessness

The jailed bird again wanted to fly

To save its nest from the attack of outcasts
Alas unable to bear anymore the bird broke the cage and flew away
With wings of fire and talons of death
It promised the hopefuls a war of unmeasured rage

The wounded on the ground
Seeing the black bird fly again
Forgot of their pains and wounds
Shouted the cry of joy and courage forgotten

As the dark knight rose with his sword to the sky
A lightning struck the sword as a approval from the heavens.
Along the lightning came the crystal white horse with wings of steel
The dark knight sat on his horse and rode for the evil’s head
As it came down from the tallest of buildings with speed of light
Along with it came a thousand thorns moving at the behest of the sword

Seeing the dark knight coming down many of the hands of evil ran for mercy
With a sword which seemed thousands, there was a cry of no mercy.
As the news of the dark knight reached the evil lord
He commanded his followers to regroup and attack only the knight
With an army of thousand attacking only the knight
It looked as if the dark knight may see the end soon

A thousand insects attacking a single fruit
Lakhs of bees in a single hive
It looked very dismal for the knight
Soon may be the city will be forever covered in darkness

As in awe the people watched a single knight warding of the dogs with no effort at all
Each dog falling down with sounds of death
The dark knight looked like the black disc of the Lord himself
Whoever came near the disc fell on the ground
Just like the petals of a dried up flower
Seeing the failure of his troops the evil lord ordered the tanks to fire
A blue light of unwatchable intensity started erupting from the dark knight
Then there was a blast of blue and all the troops of evil were on the ground

Seeing this a thousand tanks fired on the dark knight
With a single wave of his sword the bombs returned to the tanks 
And all the tanks were obliterated within seconds
Flying helis now surrounded the knight
People started to awe at the meanness of the evil lord.
As the helis started firing, people closed their eyes
When they opened their eyes again
They saw a transparent bubble around the knight
The bullets returning and hitting the helis
Soon a laser started coming from the edge of the bubble
And within seconds the helis were no more

Awestruck at the defeat, the evil lord started to flee
The dark knight then flung his sword
The evil lord turned and the sword went through his heart and into the ground
The evil lord laid on the bed of the sword
With his hands and head bent towards the ground
Seeing this the people started rejoicing

Then came a sound of the conch from the heaven
People closed their ears with their hands
It was the call to return
The sword returned to the hands of the dark knight
Then his white horse with him flew towards the clouds
And soon nor the dark knight or his horse were visible anymore
But came from the sky a white lotus and soon the city got cleaned by the rains.  

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


As I rose from the ashes of tubules
I saw nothing but the face of my progenitor
I heard my pain screaming and my legs waving
To help me I had nothing but a needle
A needle of temporary respite and slumber
As the night went on I remembered nothing but
My loud and dozing battle against darkness

The next day onwards my dreams seemed my reality
Seldom I saw the Gods in white armour
They touched my body and chatted in strange language
Then after one sunset slowly my eyes opened completely
And I realised I had won the battle

I found myself alone in a prison with no bars
Barely able to move myself
I kept spinning in my bed of aspirations
Determined to get out of those invisible chains of disease
After one more sunset I liberate myself of the bondages

I was able to move but the snakes of saline were still wrapped
I soon figured that a friendly guard was present near my bed
Soon I realised the surroundings and I got adjusted
No sooner I realised my senses I started exercising them
The first words I heard were not of love
But the battle cries of the Gladiator and the insanity of violence
That was my first experience of my second life
Thus much earlier I knew what this second chance will bring for me
With each battle cry of the warrior I lost my chance for love and peace
I got distant from my loved ones and knew no more the essence of love and respect
I longed no more for love, care and humility
Alas the battle which I won seemed of no worth to be won
Such a battle, it seemed, was better to have been lost.

But the Almighty comes always to rescue of His brave warriors
So did he, to save me from the Hellish fire
I met a band of new and fresh soldier recruits
They were inexperienced about the violent battle
But brought with them new and fresh ways of smiling
Each smile of theirs created a desire in me to love again
To smile again, To respect and be respected again
The war started and they fought under me
At the end of each battle they would thank me humbly
Their eyes would cry to me to laugh and be joyful again

I started to laugh, love, respect and be humble again
The battle which I won now made sense to me
I was now grateful that I was given a second chance
I swore to Him, never will I let hate and depression cast their shadow on me again

With my armour worn and my swords drawn
With my young friends beside me
I am ready to fight again
Not a battle, or two or three
But many a battle with the outcomes that the world will forever remember.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Where is the love

I cant feel u love anymore
I cant see u anymore
Your feeling makes me nervous
Your proximity makes me run
I cant sustain your presence
I feel you make me weak and penetrable
But O Love, greatest of men seek you

I cant hear your words
I cant understand your affinity
You set my anger on fire
Why do you keep knocking my door
Go away. Go away. I don’t need you
Leave me for I am not your follower

Is it the family or the society I live in
That teaches me to resist you
I hate the constant anger and animosity
But I cant follow you
The shouts and noises make me cry
I love peace but not her sister, love

Is it the numerous heartbreaks
Or it is the numerous backstabs
A shell of control and austerity covers me
I pop-in my feelings into this shell at the hint of you
I feel your absence as I sit today on my failures
I want you back, seep into my impenetrable shell
For your absence doesn’t make me a human

Give me the power to change anger to smile
Lend me the command over hatred
Give me the power to spread happiness
Let me forget the dark acts of past
Let me brighten the world with your proses
Leave me no more for I know now your power
It may not kill but it can change
It may not move mountains but can move men
O Love stay in my heart and my speech
For you give me peace and bliss

Monday, February 27, 2012



I hate social gathering
I hate the forced smiles and salutes
I hate the miserly handshakes and introductions
I am alone amidst the crowd of known faces
I am lost among my recognitions
I ask why am I so
I hate to interact and share smile
Why am I so
Am I a freak or an Outcast
Or a very honest person
Who doesn’t believe in duplicity

Today why am I so vocal about by feelings
I found someone who feels the same
Although she doesn’t realize till now
I can see from her eyes in the pics

Oh God! Why you send such souls to this desert
The eternal water of sacrifice and pure love is lost
People join to show their money
To show their material shells
People laugh not with happiness but with stony hearts
At the happiness of others
People thank others not for the favours but
To maintain the mutually beneficial relation

I am petrified and shattered at the unashamed crackling of glasses
I am amazed at the ability of hiding unsatisfied spirits
I am disgusted at the inseparable joker masks
Feel that I don’t belong to this illusory society
Oh Lord! Don’t make me like them
Keep me as I am
Although I may not be happy while in social gatherings

Sunday, February 5, 2012



I see the greens and I see Him
I see the innocents and I see Him
I see the sun popping from the mouth of the sea
I see the moon talking shyly from behind the curtain of clouds
And yes I see Him.

I see the moist eyes of my love
I see the calf playing with her mother
I see the lotus flowering in a lake of mud
I see the old banyan tree sheltering & equaling all
I see the persistence of a butterfly to fly out of its cocoon
And I see Him my friend

I see the birds flying in shapes alien to them
I see children smiling with empty stomachs
I see the towering dreams of torn muddy hands
I see the rigid hopes of the withered ones
I see the blank faces of those beaten up by their guardian angels
And I still see Him

I see the objectless quarrel of the youth
I see the tears of a child, a girl and that of the old parents
I see the hopelessness in the life of an orphan
I see the loneliness in the life of an obese
I see the injustice in the life of a scape-goat
I see Him everywhere.

To O! my friend, who does not see Him anywhere
Open up your eyes and see the beauty He has created
Open up your eyes and see the man He has made you
For He is in you and He is the one who gives you the courage
For He is the one who forces you not to believe in Him
You say He was not with you in the darkest & loneliest of times
But my friend you didn’t see carefully, for He was the one carrying you.
And thus He shall carry you everytime you cross the bed of thorns
But shall never make you feel that you are being carried by Him.  

Wednesday, January 18, 2012



Where will I find the place to hide my pain
Where will I find the friend to share my pain
My feelings can burn ice
My feelings can hole a mountain
Where will I cover my pain
And save thousand souls from dying

My hands are eager to fist and hammer out pride
My heart is pounding to sound of volcano burst
I am hunting innocence, to tell it the reality of life
I am spitting ego right on its face
My hands are red even before committing sins
I can feel the vacuum inside of me
Oh Lord! How will I find peace now?

The pain is no more controllable
I find peace in metallic rock and the war movies
The hatred gives me peace
This transformation is making me savage
I quench my thirst of violent hatred
Then with my heart fulfilled, I feel peace.

I now realize what mistakes I did
I now realize what anger makes me
But this anger is not on me
It’s the creation of someone else
I am just the media to transfer it

 Anger is the most danger of evils
It closes our eyes to the obvious
It makes us a messenger of the inhuman
But had it been so easy to tame
Then the history of the world would have been different
There would not have been Chanakya, Mahatma or Hitler.

Sunday, January 15, 2012



I lead a way so desolate, I travel a road so lonely,
The road itself forsakes the travellers who step foot on it
Every five steps I meet the scarlet and it sings me to peace
For the next four steps my heart awaits the scarlet
Its songs are the air I breathe and the hope I rest on.

It sings me to strength, It sings me to gay
For being so certain I keep on going
Without caring the loneliness and the pains
Then suddenly I do not hear it anymore.

I keep on going further, for thinking if I missed it
Then suddenly I realized the song is gone
I can hear only my breath and the song repeating in my ears
Now I am only left with myself and the air around me

I close my eyes to gather my hope and strength
As I open my eyes I realize I am left in a desert
Now I don’t even have a path
Till the end of horizon I see nothing but dunes of sand

I thank my Lord and keep travelling towards the sun
I see scorpions and snakes sliding in the water of sand drops
I see my sweat sinking in the sand
I see the sun burning my skin and my clothes
With the hope of hearing the scarlet at the end of torture
I keep burning my heels with the pricks of sand
My lips start drying and eyes start seeing mirages
For I kneel and with all hopes lost, I give up.

Then from the distant horizon of the sky
I hear the distant song of the scarlet
The song rotates and reaches my thirsty ears
I hear the sharp sound of the scarlet
Within a single instant all the sand rises up
And flies by me as if it was never there

The sound is now clearer and with it bring the clouds
I close my eyes with the pleasure of the cold winds
It starts drizzling and as I open my eyes
I am back in my lonely desolate path in the jungle
But I have my friend scarlet with me
Singing for me more than ever before

My heart asks it, “Where were you my friend”
And it replies, “Oh epitome of simplicity,”
“I was misguided by the demon of shyness and mistrust,
It told me that you were a monster
And I should return back if I wanted to live.”

Thus I asked, “then how are u here?”
It says with tears, “for I saw your face withered
And your body tortured, when I close my eyes
Thus my heart called for and I returned”

I was reaching the end of my path 
With my friend near me, I asked no more
But as I reached the end, I saw beauty
I saw nature, I saw paradise in a moment of truth

And then I understood,  my Lord tested me
And thus I reached Him happily with my friend
Thus He tests not only the strength to withstand
But also our trust on others and others on us.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Explanation : This is a video of the yet to be released game - RAINBOW 6: Patriots. In this game persons are converted into suicide bombers and they are asked to blow up places in ransom of their family. In my poem below I have tried to explain the mindset of such a suicide bomber, amidst the fight between evil (patriots) and good (Rainbow Six Team-Titans).

FACING DEATH (A Tribute to Rainbow 6)

Wrapped and covered with the name of death
Thinking what did I do to deserve this
Guns, bullets and bombs shouting their shrieks,
I remain just bewildered at the downfall of humanity

My life is just not me, its my family
At the footsteps of death I care only of them
I am surrounded by the patriots
I am to run to Times square to die

Then came the arrows of the Titans
They snipe the dogs just like tomatoes
I just wanna run to death and save my love and child
The Titans jump from buildings and sprint all around

Am I going to live and my family gonna die
Are the heroes a curse for me
They jump and keep pushing the patriots to the ground
Then they kill all the canines and rush to my help

But is it too late, I am gonna run and save my family
The leader of titans inform me the good news
My family is gonna live
The snakes are still around my body
They try to get them away

Then I hear “remote detonation”
Here comes the death for me at the moment of happiness
I willingly am pushed into the river
As I see the last face of the modern warrior

In the final moments my life replays in my mind
I ask again and again “What did I do”
But now the question is no more relevant
                                                    For I am going to dying on my Birthday.

Monday, January 2, 2012



The apostles of maliciousness
The prophets of violent dreams
The envoys of inept desires
The militias of obscenities
The ghosts of carnages
The monastics of irreligion

The time has come
For the rise of the Absolute

No more the dark will pride
No more the unjust will prevail

For the time has arrived

The Absolute has come without prayers
It has come without cries for hopes
It flew-by and the shrieks of the living-dead silenced
It rode on the most white stead
With the longest of whips
It cracked out the darks inside each mortals

The light followed It, as if its slave
The aura fumed the dirth of the insatiable greed
In Its hand was the long whip with the tip of untold charm
This whip rode with It like the weapon of unforeseen strength

The dark, greed, desire, violent knew its time of the great fight
They combined and formed the fiercest demon of negativity
The Absolute smiled at the form
And with a single powerful swing of the stretched whip
The demon cracked and fell as if it was never there.

Suddenly the gloom spread all over disappeared
Light was everywhere, the eyes closed feeling the pain of the bright
Slowly when the eyes opened they saw light everywhere
Even a small speck of soil radiated.
The Absolute was nowhere
Then the imprudent mortals realized
The Liberator had dispersed
Submerged into each particle of the Universe.