We come into the world as kids. When we are small we hardly understand anything. We keep enjoying at the expense of trouble for our parents. As we enter the school, our fight with life starts. We compete, we learn, we fight and we play.
But as we enter higher secondary (class 7-10) , we compete harder and we slowly forget the enjoyments and plays we had as kids. The later part introduces us to a feeling for the other sex. Everyday we feel we are in love with a new girl. Slowly the schooldays come to an end and with it ends our plays, our pranks and our day-dreams.
When we enter the junior college(class 11- 12) we have only one objective: to crack IIT entrance or a medical entrance. Some of the naughtiness concerning the other sex still remains. But it certainly loses its priority. With hard work and determination we get into an engineering college.
As we get into an engineering college, we are introduced to new styles and new way of living. There are no days and nights, just study time and rest time. Friends are still there to help each other. You are introduced the society and its rules. In the beginning you think that you can change it but as time passes you realize its too big to change. Slowly and steadily you complete your engineering but still you wonder whether the knowledge will be of any use to u.
At the end of graduation you decide to complete your qualification with a MBA. You enter into a MBA college. As soon as u enter u think that its a wrong decision, as it really hurts. You hardly get time to sleep. Soon u realize that being a manager is not easy. But slowly u adjust and the environment refreshes u. You give more than u knew u could. At the end u complete ur MBA but you seem tired. Soon you gather urself and get ready to face another challenge : work-life.