Saturday, August 2, 2008


Its better to be a man with vision but no skills, than to be a man with skills but no vision. Because skills can be developed but vision cannot. A vision is the combination of a dream and the ability to achieve it. A man dreams only things that he can achieve. A man without a vision is like a person lost in the vast loneliness of a desert. A vision is the driving force behind any action. A person with a vision is destined to achieve his success faster than a person without it. A man with a vision is always focussed and happy, as he knows with every step he moves closer to his goal.

Now-a-days many youngsters follow a path only because their friends did so, or because their parents told them to. But there are some who set their eyes on their goal and move forward to achieve it. They are persons with a vision. No matter what happens they do not move their sight from their target.

Every person has been sent into this world to do a particular thing. Everyone has a distinct role to play. Many persons ask, "how can i know why has God sent me into this world?" Our every action is a step towards completing our role in this world. Vision arises from this distinct role. A Vision guides a person towards the completion of his role in this world. Thus a vision always has a God-part in it. Every person can feel this eternal feeling whenever he acts towards achieving his Vision. If a person does not feel so, then his Vision is either corrupted(his vision will never complete his role) or his Vision has parts which do not fulfill his role in this world or his act will not take him nearer to his uncorrupted Vision.

Thus my friends seek ur Vision and act to achieve it; for it the sole reason of your existence in this Universe.

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