India and China are emerging as the economic leaders of the world. But are we ready ? R we mentally and economically ready ? The world is looking towards China and India to take up the leader's role. The inflation, the GDP and the share markets say a different story. We Indians have to first believe in ourselves.
The major problem is that we Indians are not able to find our originality. We are not able to find that "thing" which makes us different from other countries. It is very difficult to find it. India for ages has been a mixture of cultures because of the time and again invasions. So to say frankly our culture is a mixture of all cultures. The thing that sets us apart is the wonderful and harmonic balance that India exhibits from this mixture. From the mixture of all cultures and religions arises a culture which is based on humanity. It consists of the good things of all cultures and yet is different from all of them.
But are we economically strong enough to take the lead. I ask, if we are not then who is ? We have companies which are always looking for growth. We have a population whose average age is below 25. We have managed the food crisis very efficiently. We have even stabilized the financial sector from the zolts of the "mortgage crisis." We have a PM like Dr. Singh, a FM like Chidambaram and a RBI Gov. like Reddy. Why should we even think ourselves inferior to the Westerners ? Besides the real strength comes from within.
So we Indians should believe in ourselves and should get ready to take the leadership role.
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