On February 5 I left the blog-story "Man on mission" incomplete bcoz story like this certainly deserves more than just one post. We have seen the childhood and youth of X. We have also seen how he has grown into a terrorist with excellence. But can X be changed into a better person? Yes it can be done. Is it by catching him and physically torturing him? Is it by hanging him till death? No, it can only be done by making the soft side of him arise again. Instead of torturing him physically, show him acts of human goodwill. Show him these acts every second, 24*7*365. If repeated acts of cruelty have made him a curse then repeated acts of goodwill will, atleast minimise his level of insanity. Make him do acts of goodwill like gifting poor children food&cloth and helping handicapped people. Thus, instead of targeting X we will target the evil inside him. Show him the people whose life he has destroyed. He will start hating his own "acts of evil." Then show him the life of saints like Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, etc. He can see the only way to turn his bads into good is by following the path of those saints. Thus our X, who was a terrorist, will become a much better person.
So my friends we should never target a person who is bad but the badness inside him. We should always try to change a person from negativity to positivity. No person in this world wants to be negative but the situations and surroundings makes him so. So lets give everyone, "a second chance."
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