Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Oh Girl ! Oh Girl !

Oh girl ! Oh girl !
So many thoughts and so much to sort
So much to achieve and so many to retort
Life, a heap of expectation
But I wish just smiles n jubilation
People keep flocking me, why >:(
Let me go away, let me fly
People take me to be cruel, smart n cunning
But I m just a girl who loves shinning
In all of such chaos I found some peace
A hand where my duplicacy cease
But before I could lean on his shoulder
My dark and tempting past made me colder
I had to leave his peace and bright
My devil boyfriend called me back for a night
In the devil's arms I pretend smiles
But inside I was a hundred dead isles
Each moment cursed me to be an ignorant and fool
I am dying in my own blood pool

Oh girl ! Oh girl ! what I did.
People think that I m happy
Even I thought I was lucky
But those nights with unquenched loneliness
Told me that I was miles away from happiness
Leave me, Leave me and let me stare at the stars
Release me, release me of your expectation bars 
Give me the strength, Oh Lord, to leave the devil
And lead my life without invisible tears and cavil
The peaceful hand of the white may not accept me
But I m sure he will let me be
With him, around him, seeking knowledge and peace
I shall forget myself and succeed with ease 
So happy n so in calm I shall stay
I shall never let any happiness go away
Then my life shall not be a stained mirror
A deadly mixture of intoxication and error
I can live my life and achieve my dreams
Without any expectations or any screams

Oh girl ! Oh girl ! I shall hold ur hand.
In the darkness of the night
In the dark corners of the fright
In the dirty closets of the mind
Me, u shall not find
Seek me in the silence of the night
Seek me in the bravery of a knight
Seek me in the smile of a poor child
Seek me in ur heart's wild
Gather urself and rise, for life is still breathing
Ur success and ur achievements will be soothing
And at the end U shall not thank me
But u shall thank urself for choosing me
And when you turn on your feet 
Bow in respect, to repay me and greet
U realize I was just the brightness 
Hidden deep within u, lost in darkness.

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