Monday, January 30, 2017


As You Like It, Act II, Scene VII - "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players."
The sad part is that many have taken it very literally.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Forgiveness in a sentence

"You either die asking for forgiveness or you become a monster."

N. B. : Most of my posts have nothing to do with my personal life. I am just an artist (atleast that's what I think :P ) in this beautiful world. :)

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

War, Relationship n Envy

The war consumes all
And it thus consumed our relationship.

In life, we cherish some relationships more than others
These relationships define us, form us and keep us alive.
But sometimes such beautiful relationships become cursed
By the envious passer-bys  and the dead ones.

The dreamers don’t live a superficial life
The story-tellers don’t keep a superficial relationship.
As the repenter gets an exile of superficiality
He seeks his fault and shouts for fairness.

With swords flying and bullets scratching our head
I knew that it will get you busy and confused.
With screeches of the vultures and the howls of the jackals
I knew that your sensitivity will leave you.

But I never expected that u will
Crush our relationship so easily.
All my sleepless nights and my worries for u
Turned to sand, slipping out of my hands.
All my protection and care for u
Turned to misunderstood daggers and spears.

Was it so easy and spontaneous for you?
That u didn’t even give me an opportunity.
Probably it was easier than I thought it would be
For I always liked u more than u did.

But I know the outcome of the war
As I believe on a super power.
My mind sobs for an apt punishment for you
But my heart says that there is still
A promise made by a protector to the protected.
As my mind erases the boundaries of my protection
My heart fights back reminding me of my vows to you.
As my inner war sublimes with the war outside
I leave it onto the super power
To judge you and punish me
As I still believe more on my vows than on your anger.

As I begged in front of you today for a breath of life
And as you left me cold and dying
I realized that you are not the same one I met once
I realized that there may not be a homecoming ever.

I will still pray for u
Because (just like u) I don’t easily make relationships
And I don’t easily break them.
For me, relationships are my swords and bullets
In a never-ending war inside me and outside. 

Sunday, September 27, 2015

We are the new

We aren’t diplomatic
We believe on frankness and transparency
We don’t preach much
But we practice what we preach
It doesn’t matter if its 3 am or 7 pm
We have our own clock
We reason the rituals
We see God in truth and humanity
We are the new

We don’t gossip
We don’t back stab
We don’t complain
We be the change
Or make the change anyhow
We are not driven by aim in life
But by passion
We are independent and free
We are the new

We hate corruption
We love our country
But don’t put on a show for it
Nor do we celebrate it only on two days
We hate poverty and not the poor
We respect others privacy
And also their freedom
We work hard, very hard
But we work on something we believe in
We like cleanliness
And we don’t litter
We are humble but not on compulsion
We are the new

We believe in empowerment of both men and women
We want children in school
And we see to it that they reach there
We believe that the best things are free
We believe in non-violence
We prefer cycles over cars
We respect other’s time over ours
We plant the colour green
We believe in development
But not at other’s expense
We think from heart but know the head too
We believe in forgiveness
We believe in one’s rights
And we fight if it’s taken away
That’s what we are
And we are the new

Friday, September 25, 2015

Winter is coming :)

The silence around
The arising of the nostalgic artist
The persistent feel of being asleep
Playing hide-n-seek in the big Indian quilt
The curtain of mist in early mornings
The clapping of hands at nature's soothing cold
The unquenchable remembrance of my city
And the flapping of hands in the bucket-water
To get the perfect combination of hot and cold water
Winter is coming !

Memories of thousand scoldings
The woolly garments forced all around us
And our continuous efforts to pull them out
Sunbathing all day during holidays
Realizing that sun is the hottest thing
Those special winter dishes which you always want more
The shortening evening playing hours
Winter is coming !
And its bringing back many stories

The sudden motivation to run and cycle
Faces and lips turning dry but not thirsty
Love stories seeming true
And you too negotiating with urself to mistake again
The morning dew on leaves
Shinning as LEDs waiting to fall
Hoodies all around making you a stranger
Winter is coming !
And you want it to stay :)