Friday, September 25, 2015

Winter is coming :)

The silence around
The arising of the nostalgic artist
The persistent feel of being asleep
Playing hide-n-seek in the big Indian quilt
The curtain of mist in early mornings
The clapping of hands at nature's soothing cold
The unquenchable remembrance of my city
And the flapping of hands in the bucket-water
To get the perfect combination of hot and cold water
Winter is coming !

Memories of thousand scoldings
The woolly garments forced all around us
And our continuous efforts to pull them out
Sunbathing all day during holidays
Realizing that sun is the hottest thing
Those special winter dishes which you always want more
The shortening evening playing hours
Winter is coming !
And its bringing back many stories

The sudden motivation to run and cycle
Faces and lips turning dry but not thirsty
Love stories seeming true
And you too negotiating with urself to mistake again
The morning dew on leaves
Shinning as LEDs waiting to fall
Hoodies all around making you a stranger
Winter is coming !
And you want it to stay :)

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