Saturday, September 28, 2013


I used to love loneliness. It was something I searched for so much. But I never knew that Loneliness hurts, specially when its u against whom u r fighting. The external shouts are no more there. U hardly hear the noises of people around u. The sound that u hear most is coming from within u. In the beginning the volume is low. But slowly the volume increases and there comes a time when u just wish it to stop. 
Although in ur loneliness u wonder and wait. Wait for people to call and interact. But they never do. U start imagining that the world has forgotten u. If u have a low self-esteem u shall not wait and try to interact. But most of us dont bcoz we can be ne thing but low. So u wait and wait...
Facebook, G+, Youtube are ur best friends now. U search for new things to give u that push. U check your mobile again and again, to see if some1 contacted u. Sometimes u hear the mobile notification ring, even if there is none. 
But loneliness has its benefits too. U can start analysing ur past and ur life come under a self-microscope. U realise why certain things happened through the lens of Karma. Loneliness help u to lose urself in the depth of something. But sadly I havent found that "something." I know if I have to b happy, I will have to find it. Loneliness is an instrument onto the road to God. In loneliness u do feel Him, u try to understand Him and u try to come close to Him.
So all my friends who are alone, literally or mentally, dont give-in to habits which will pluck your soul. Do connect to me. I may not be a great person but I am certainly some1 who will understand u.