Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises Again
(A tribute to The Dark Knight Trilogy)

They punished him for the faults they know not
They banished him for the acts of innocent valour
They jailed him for the thoughts of freedom
They chastised him for his efforts of peace
Thus he remained silently within the walls of the civilised
For it was the demand of the society he wanted to save.

Time doesn’t wait for the peace to expand
In his absence evil outgrew its bounds
Within the gutters and sewers of the city
Evil crept in with nothing to stop
Its numbers and strength kept on increasing
People lived in peace forgetting what’s beneath 

The strike day came and the city was asleep
Within hours the city became a grave of bricks and carcasses
It took seconds to cut it from the world outside
With children seeing aghast the whole city burnt
No one to save it from the certain death it had brought
No one to listen to the silent cries of the dead and wounded

The evil were torturing the innocents without limit
Men and women burnt alive
Children were ripped apart like skins of fruits
The policemen were shot as stray dogs
And those who objected were hanged and were given to the dogs as food
Everybody ran to wherever they could be safe
Some hid so that the evil couldn’t find them
Soon the city had more dead than alive

Hearing the sounds of despair and hopelessness

The jailed bird again wanted to fly

To save its nest from the attack of outcasts
Alas unable to bear anymore the bird broke the cage and flew away
With wings of fire and talons of death
It promised the hopefuls a war of unmeasured rage

The wounded on the ground
Seeing the black bird fly again
Forgot of their pains and wounds
Shouted the cry of joy and courage forgotten

As the dark knight rose with his sword to the sky
A lightning struck the sword as a approval from the heavens.
Along the lightning came the crystal white horse with wings of steel
The dark knight sat on his horse and rode for the evil’s head
As it came down from the tallest of buildings with speed of light
Along with it came a thousand thorns moving at the behest of the sword

Seeing the dark knight coming down many of the hands of evil ran for mercy
With a sword which seemed thousands, there was a cry of no mercy.
As the news of the dark knight reached the evil lord
He commanded his followers to regroup and attack only the knight
With an army of thousand attacking only the knight
It looked as if the dark knight may see the end soon

A thousand insects attacking a single fruit
Lakhs of bees in a single hive
It looked very dismal for the knight
Soon may be the city will be forever covered in darkness

As in awe the people watched a single knight warding of the dogs with no effort at all
Each dog falling down with sounds of death
The dark knight looked like the black disc of the Lord himself
Whoever came near the disc fell on the ground
Just like the petals of a dried up flower
Seeing the failure of his troops the evil lord ordered the tanks to fire
A blue light of unwatchable intensity started erupting from the dark knight
Then there was a blast of blue and all the troops of evil were on the ground

Seeing this a thousand tanks fired on the dark knight
With a single wave of his sword the bombs returned to the tanks 
And all the tanks were obliterated within seconds
Flying helis now surrounded the knight
People started to awe at the meanness of the evil lord.
As the helis started firing, people closed their eyes
When they opened their eyes again
They saw a transparent bubble around the knight
The bullets returning and hitting the helis
Soon a laser started coming from the edge of the bubble
And within seconds the helis were no more

Awestruck at the defeat, the evil lord started to flee
The dark knight then flung his sword
The evil lord turned and the sword went through his heart and into the ground
The evil lord laid on the bed of the sword
With his hands and head bent towards the ground
Seeing this the people started rejoicing

Then came a sound of the conch from the heaven
People closed their ears with their hands
It was the call to return
The sword returned to the hands of the dark knight
Then his white horse with him flew towards the clouds
And soon nor the dark knight or his horse were visible anymore
But came from the sky a white lotus and soon the city got cleaned by the rains.