It certainly is early to say. but its not worth to take chance and depend on adjustability of a species. that is what the difference between dinosaurs and man. man can see his future and can plan to overcome any difficulty.
- global warming - it can only be avoided by awareness and active actions against pollution.
- extreme cold - this is the result of change of ocean currents and is also a result of pollution and environmental change. it can be avoided by the same way as GW.
- asteroid or comet fall - i believe that we are all aware of what it is. the remedy are many and the possibility of this doom's day looks bleak.
- e-destruction - this begins when a internet virus causes all the havoc and the computers go mad. the control over the nuclear missile is going to end the world.
- biotechnology & nanotechnology - biotechnology is a balancing act. through these two sciences man is trying to be God and I only hope that God does not play wrath through them.
- terrorism and war - man has no control on himself. peace is now easy to say but difficult to get.
- energy and oil crisis - this will happen when all the sources are over. the only solution is to look for renewable sources of nature.
- financial crisis - the great depression and so many major market are replicas of the most dreadful one. when economy is no more than man turns into a beast.
"Thee art in my soul, Thee art in my mind, Thee art in my body, Thee art in me,
But is me a part of Thee or is me, Thee"